""The general feeling of the school was lovely. It feels calm and content. All displays were well maintained.""
Teacher, visiting from a Multi Academy Trust


Prayer and liturgy in a Catholic school names and celebrates God’s presence in our lives. It is concerned with giving glory, honour, praise and thanks to God. It is our loving response, in word and action, to God’s invitation to enter into relationship, made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit.

‘The celebration of Catholic liturgies and prayers as an integral part of the learning and teaching should enable the school community to become reflective, experience the presence of God and should develop a mature spiritual life.’ (Christ at the Centre Rev Marcus Stock, 2005)

It is a legal requirement that there is a daily ‘act of worship’ offered for all pupils. This can take place at any time during the school day and can be either a single ‘act of worship’ for all pupils, or separate ‘acts of worship’ in school groups. Holding an assembly that includes a prayer, said either by the teacher or everyone present, does not fulfil this requirement. Prayer, liturgical prayer and assembly are distinct activities. They may sometimes form part of the same gathering, but the difference between will always be made clear.

School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. Paper copies are available from the school office.


Safeguarding Policy 2024-2025

SEND And Disability Policy 2022

SEND Statement - Local Offer 2022

Attendance Policy 2024-2025

Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy 2022

Relationship Health Education (RHE) Policy

Sports Premium Statement with impact statements 2022-23

Teaching and Learning Statement 2022 

STCAT Admission Policy Primary Schools 2024-2025

STCAT Admission Policy Primary Schools 2025-2026

SEND Policy 24-25

Health and Safety Policy 2022-2023

 Please find all Trust Policies on the following link:

Policies - St Thomas Catholic Academies Trust (stcat.co.uk)