Useful Weblinks
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Follow us on social media to stay updated with the latest news, events, and highlights from our school community. Click the links below to join the conversation and celebrate our students' achievements!
We look forward to connecting with you!
Below are a list of websites for you to access with your children. This is a great way of getting you child motivated to learn. Click on the links below. Happy surfing!
Doodle - click here to stay in the green zone in all your areas for Doodle
Giglet - please use the following link to access the vast library of books on Giglet
Accelerated Reader and Renaissance - Click here to complete quizzes on all the books you are reading in and out of school to blast off and progress your reading. The username is: first name, with a capital letter and surname initial in capital
(e.g. Jessica D) The password is: abc
Tapestry - An easy-to-use and secure online learning journal helping staff and families celebrate their children’s learning and development
St. Anthony's Parish Church Website
CAFOD - Catholic Aid for Overseas Development