We are very proud of our uniform and expect our pupils to wear it with pride.
By sending your child to St. Anthony's, you are accepting and supporting our school policies and procedures on school uniform and presentation. We are very proud of our uniform and expect our pupils to wear it with pride. Pupils must always be clean, neat and tidy in appearance. Parents co-operation and support in helping us to maintain our extremely high standards is greatly appreciated and valued. Parents are asked to retain this information for reference throughout the year.
To order school uniform please visit https://www.schooldaysdirect.co.uk/ and select 'shop' from the toolbar, then select 'school uniform' and scroll down to find St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School.
Every pupil must wear the prescribed uniform set out below.
Winter Uniform
Summer Uniform
PE Uniform 
Please note: You will be given information regarding what house colour your child is in, before admission to the school
Year 6 Uniform
- If your child has boots or wellingtons for outside wear they will need to have normal school shoes to change into when they enter the school building. Trainers, boots, are not allowed inside the school building. Other shoes such as ‘crocs’ and ‘flip flops’ are not suitable footwear, inside or outside
- Please ensure that all items are clearly marked with your child’s name
- Nail varnish is not allowed
- Please note that tattoos, real or temporary, are not and never will be part of our school uniform. Please ensure that your child does not come to school with these
- Jewellery (including those considered to be of Religious significance) and earrings are not allowed but children with pierced ears may wear plain studs, although County safety regulations state that they must be removed for PE/games and swimming. Pupils who wear earrings other than plain studs will be asked to remove them
- Long hair should be tied back with a black/brown/blue coloured elastic or clips. Please no extreme hairstyles or adornments (for example no shaving hair designs)