""The general feeling of the school was lovely. It feels calm and content. All displays were well maintained.""
Teacher, visiting from a Multi Academy Trust

Medical Information

In September 2014 the Department for Education published new guidelines for schools entitled ‘Managing Medicines in Schools.’


As a result of these guidelines it is imperative that the school is notified if your child has a medical condition. However we recognise that children can develop an illness (temporary or permanent) at any point during their time at St Anthony's. If this is the case, please notify the school immediately as it is essential that our records are accurate.

If your child requires essential medication during school hours, you will need to complete a form, giving our staff permission to do so.

Medicines brought to school should always be provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and include the prescriber’s instructions for administration. The school will then keep written records of each time medication is given.

Please download and complete the form below and return to school together with your child's medication, or pick up a form from the school office. Please note staff will give a child medicine only with their parent’s written consent by completion of this form.

Administering Medication Consent Form


If your child has been diagnosed by the doctor with asthma, even if you consider it to be mild and you don't feel it affects your child on a day-to-day basis, you must let the school know as soon as possible. 

Each asthmatic child must then have their own blue 'reliever' inhaler and spacer in school, clearly labelled with your child's name and class and staff will administer as and when they are needed. 

Before administering each asthmatic child must have an Asthma Plan within school, which can be found below. Please complete with as much detail as possible and return this form to the school office as soon as possible. Please note we will let you know if your child's inhaler is close to expiry.

Asthma Plan