""The general feeling of the school was lovely. It feels calm and content. All displays were well maintained.""
Teacher, visiting from a Multi Academy Trust

Extra Curricular Clubs

We are extremely proud of the wide range of after school, extra-curricular clubs that we offer our children of all ages, throughout the school. 

We strongly believe in the value of extra-curricular activities; giving the children the opportunity to pursue an interest, excel in an area of expertise and enhance their learning.  As a result, we offer a wide variety of after school activity clubs run from Monday to Thursday, led and organised by our teachers and support staff, whilst others are run by external coaches and experts.

Please see table below for all the after-school clubs running this half term.....

TUESDAY Basketball KS2 15:30-16:30 Stafford Hall
THURSDAY Karate All Years 15:30-16:30 Stafford Hall


How can I sign my child(ren) up?

If you or your child would like to sign up to any of our after-school clubs, please log into your ParentPay account to see if there are any spaces available. 


If you wish to sign your child up for Karate, please click on the below link and use the password: sacps7872

Karate signup

All clubs have limited spaces and are on a first come first served basis.