""The general feeling of the school was lovely. It feels calm and content. All displays were well maintained.""
Teacher, visiting from a Multi Academy Trust

School Day

Please see below our school day timetable, which is organised to provide a maximum time for learning, across a balanced curriculum. 


*please not the children do finish at 1:30 pm on a Friday, however if you are a working parent who requires their child to stay into 3:30pm, please contact the school office*
Total number of Hours per week: 32.5


Breakfast Club

During the school term we operate a Breakfast Club from 8:00am, to support working parents. This is a free service,  for children in Years Reception - Year 6, where they will have the opportunity to play games and carry out fun activities, supported by our staff members.

If you are keen for your child to attend from 8:00 am and your child is in Reception to Year Six, please email breakfastclub@stanthonys.slough.sch.uk with your child name and class, to sign them up.

Children can arrive at the Stafford Avenue gate at 8:00 am promptly and will go straight to the canteen, until the rest of their class arrives, when they will be escorted to their classrooms. 

Please note that no food is provided for the provision and children are asked to bring in their own activity (i.e reading book/activity book)

Break & Lunch Times

All children at our school have the same break and lunch times. Morning break usually starts at 11:00am and lasts for 15 minutes, finishing at 11:15am. Lunch times begin from 12:15pm and children have an hour break to enjoy their food, finishing at 1:15pm. Children have the opportunity to play on our outdoor adventure playground, socialise with their school friends and run around our amazing field.


At 3:15pm everyday, all children come together in their class with their class teacher, and light a candle for reflection. This is the time where the children think about their day and think about what they have enjoyed that day and what they could have done better that day etc.

Extra Curricular Clubs

On Monday to Thursday we offer a wide variety of after school activity clubs, led and organised by our teachers and support staff, whilst others are run by external coaches and experts. If you would like to sign your child(ren) up for our clubs or for more information please refer to the Extra Curricular Clubs section of our website.