Rights Respecting
St Anthony’s is a Rights Respecting school and we will shortly be re-assessed for the Level 2 Award. It is a school where everyone - teachers, children and parents - know what rights they have, takes responsibility for these rights and respects the rights of others.
It is taught through the curriculum and includes ensuring that the children are aware of the United Nations Convention, Rights of the Child. This convention tells us what rights all children have and tells us that with rights come responsibility.
This has a beneficial impact upon the school community, because it encourages everyone to treat each other with respect and helps all to realise that most rules and guidelines are for the good of everyone in society, which is why we need to abide by them. It also helps to give the children an understanding of the global community what others should be doing for them and what responsibility they have.
Our key focus in being a ‘Rights Respecting School’ is to allow everyone in the school community to develop physically, mentally and socially ensuring all participate as active citizens and enabling them to develop into a fit and healthy person.