""The general feeling of the school was lovely. It feels calm and content. All displays were well maintained.""
Teacher, visiting from a Multi Academy Trust


Hello, my name is Mary Quinn, and I am delighted to serve as the chaplain at St Anthony’s School, a role I began in September 2024 after a decade of working within the school community. With deep ties to St Anthony’s Church and the Slough pastoral area, I am passionate about supporting and nurturing the Catholic faith within our school.


One of my initiatives has been the creation of a Mission Team, which brings together pupils from Years 4, 5, and 6 to promote faith-based activities. I have also established a Peace Room, a dedicated space for both pupils and staff to engage in prayer and quiet reflection throughout the day.


Born and raised in a Catholic family in Ireland, I became a parishioner at St Anthony’s Church shortly after moving to England in 1988. I am actively involved in parish life, serving as a catechist, leading children’s liturgy, and acting as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. Raising my three children with strong Catholic values has been one of my greatest joys, and I am committed to fostering the same values in the children of St Anthony’s School and parish community.

God bless 